Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I stood at the shore of my home looking out and into a dark and deep blue ocean. Everywhere waves pulsed throughout the body of water and made their presence known with a never ending lapping and withdrawing. The clouds overhead shuffled and morphed amongst themselves as they crept along the sky, which by now had turned a bright reddish orange, something akin to the mold that has been growing on the trees all around my home. There was a slight breeze making its way off the water, it brushed my hair aside and cooled my skin causing me to take a deep and pleasing breath. There is always wind on the beach. I have realized this by now, after all the years I have spent out here, but the air is always refreshing and when I take notice of it, seems to consistently have a profound effect on me, catching me by surprise as if it were something wholly rare and unfelt. But it is always there.


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